Social Justice
Transgender Awareness
Initially, at their church Haring & Valdeos participated in workshops, film nights, and social justice meetings that educated people on ways to make the world a better place. There was an initiative to teach people how they could conserve resources and protect the environment. They were part of a team making and distributing “Blessing Bags” for homeless families living in the woods. Then, during a Transgender Day of Remembrance presentation, they began to learn about the high murder and suicide rate among transgender people. They also attended a Transgender Awareness presentation where they gained a greater understanding of transgender concerns. Finally, they learned about the life and military service of U.S. Navy Seal Kristin Beck, a transgender woman. This impacted them so strongly that they wrote a song dedicated to her.
U.S. Navy Seal Kristin Beck

Dawn Center
Dawn Center is committed to breaking the cycle of domestic abuse and sexual violence. The Center provides supportive services and leadership training that promotes social change.
Survivors of Human Trafficking
Several years ago, Haring & Valdeos were helping a 15-year-old teenager from the Middle East who was trying to escape a forced marriage. In the process of helping her, they came into contact with attorneys, law enforcement, and counselors working with victims of human trafficking. They learned about the process of finding and freeing someone being trafficked, most often through an arrest, and how a team supports these individuals to get their records expunged and begin a new life. This kind of work is deeply personal and confidential, but the Haring Valdeos Foundation serves to offers support to survivors of human trafficking as they transition out of the sex trade.
In addition to counseling and “friendship team” support, survivors may receive scholarships to pursue an educational, vocational, artistic, or personal dream.
“Mainly we want these survivors to know that they are valued, and that we need them in this world,” says Haring. In time, they hope the fund could extend this scholarship support to a full sponsorship - with donors paying for more college training in a designated field of study as an example.